

Design Studio 4, UoN.

Tutor: Maria Cano Dominguez

This methodology is a 3 stage process :

  1. Understand the compositional and spatial planning principles of the chosen precedent.
  2. Ruin/deconstruct the precedent; and
  3. Reconstruct /reconfigure the “Frankenstein” pieces.

The chosen precedents are:

  1. Neaves-Brown Alexandra Road Estate, London with Thermae di Titus
  2. Kisho Kurokawa’s Nagakin Capsule Tower, Tokyo Japan with Andrea Palladios 16th century drawings of Thermae di Constantino, Rome.
  3. Etienne Boulle’s Bilbliotheque le Roi with Le Corbusier’s Unite d’Habitation, Lyon.

Speculations on Unceded Land, UON, 2022

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